Latest rainfall map for India, as you can see there is a very uneven rain distribution all over the country and while some would argue that less rains are good for sesame it seems like not just sesame but all other crops will be affected with this unusual rainfall and if less rain are considered as the barometer for a good crop we can safely say goodbye to the Gujrat crop where rainfall is much more than average.
sesame needs good amount of water as against the popular beliefs, only thing is that it can not tolerate watter logging during germination or subsequent stages.....3-4 healthy showers always increase the yield. as far as saurashtra is concerned, good early rainfalls resulted in good sowing but there is a dire need for a few showers now or the yield will be very low, as far as gujarat region is concerned the rainfall is negligible hence no significant crop is expected........
can you please udate me on what should be the pricefor tanzanian sesame seeds.
thank you
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